Can you solve this problem? Which car should go first, second and so on…

Can you solve this problem? Which car should go first, second and so on…

A road rules question featuring four vehicles at an intersection has caused confusion with some people unable to figure it out.

It pictured a black car intending to turn right, and to its right a blue car at a stop sign also intending to turn right. A green car is pictured to the right of the blue car at a give way sign and it also is looking to turn right.
A road rules question featuring four vehicles at an intersection has caused confusion with some people unable to figure it out.
RACQ posed a question on Facebook on Wednesday asking people which vehicle goes last.
It pictured a black car intending to turn right, and to its right a blue car at a stop sign also intending to turn right. A green car is pictured to the right of the blue car at a give way sign and it also is looking to turn right.
Four cars are pictured at an intersection in a RACQ quiz question.
Which car goes last here? Source: RACQ
A larger yellow car is at a stop sign looking to travel straight through the intersection.
“The black vehicle is about to turn right while all the other vehicles have stopped and wish to move as shown. Which vehicle moves last?” RACQ wrote.

Some people suggested the green car goes last.
“I would think that it would go clockwise starting with the black car and ending with the blue one,” one man wrote.
One woman asked where the traffic lights are while another man suggested the intersection “shouldn’t exist”.
“This hurts my head,” another woman wrote.

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